Archive for January 2013

Brooklyn Bridge

Oh look, I'm about to walk the Brooklyn Bridge.

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This drink right here is iced tea believe it or not. Except they sweetened it with this sweet cream or whatever. EDIT: Irene said it's condensed milk.

Who is "they"? They are the great people of Thailand who came up with this drink. It is pretty tasty,actually but if you had too much it gets too sweet and you just feel all sweet-y. I don't know. It was gross. 
I got this drink from a Thai restaurant somewhere down in New Jersey called Ploi Thai (no clue where accents go).

Prior to our lovely evening at Ploi Thai, Irene, Desire, and I had no plans to go for our free time. So we went down the hotel lobby to figure out where we can eat dinner. This asian guy (let's name him Juan) approached us and invited us to go to a Thai restaurant with other people from our bus. We were so excited because we got invited by a real person to go someplace real and nice, not some sketchy place. (It's not like we never get invited by real people in real life, it's just that we're a tad bit antisocial and we were surprised people were aware of our existence in this trip.) 

We were carried to the restaurant by a white rape van (the real ones!) and got lost for about 50 minutes. We passed by the place like 20,000 times and did not realize it was right there. Bunch of tourists, pft. The food was amazing, the thai tea was sweet, and until now I can't find that stir-fried chicken with cashew nuts and that sweet sauce anywhere in Canada. Maybe because I live in Narnia, but I can't find it.

And this thing right here, this mouth-watery thing is a...wait for it...a deep fried ice cream! Believe me, it was the most delicious thing I have ever tried in my entire life. It was warm and cold at the same time and the batter tasted like heaven was raining gold and rainbows filled the earth with unicorns. That did not even make sense but that's because that's how this deep fried thing tasted like! 

If you ever find this thing anywhere, I recommend you to order it! 

Another thing I learned is that feeling of when going back to your hotel room you, your parents are nowhere to be seen because they're miles away from you, in another country. It's not sadness or homesickness, but somewhat freedom because for once, you feel independent, really independent, like a real adult.

You're Not You When You're at Walmart


So i was just on my Tumblr dash when I tumbled (haha) upon this gifset. No, not really, it wasn't accidental, I was looking for Poughkeepsie tags hoping I would find a picture of the Walmart we were in.
If you read my previous post about our first stop and facing our epic journey in Poughkeepsie at a Walmart then I TOLD YOU SO. Remember I said Poughkeepsie could've been where the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy was living? Yeah, I have evidence he does! 

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Hungry yet?
This is probably the best-tasting lasagna I have ever had. We ordered this along with my Disco Fries and devoured it in like, 3 minutes. It probably should’ve been faster since there were three people sharing it. This was at the I-84 Diner at Fishkill, New York - our first stop before New York City. We had a lot of fun in this town. I will never forget this day, and I will tell all my grandchildren about my epic day in some random town in New York that might’ve been the place where the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy lived (obviously, it’s in Texas). This lasagna was the start of the amazing things we ate in New York.

I ♡ NY

I know, the title is very cheesy. But it pretty much sums up my one week trip to New York City. As you've probably read from my description on the left side of your screen, my name is Valerie and one week of my Summer 2012 was walking around busy and crowded streets of the Times Square area. 

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