Brooklyn Bridge

Oh look, I'm about to walk the Brooklyn Bridge.

You'd think it's a ten minute walk to cross that bridge. Nuh-uh, all i remember was it was a lot of walking and it took more than half an hour I'm sure. But it was great, it was magical. Again, another dream coming true. Crossing Brooklyn Bridge where everything happens - first fight scene of The Lizard and Spiderman in The Amazing Spiderman, Gotham City, where Craig dreamt of killing himself in It's Kind of A Funny Story (not really a magical scene), basically where amazing movie scenes take place. So to walk and cross that bridge was a pleasure. 

See that big, fat line in the middle? New Yorkers take that line pretty seriously. The right lane is strictly for bikers. As in, bike riders will run you over even if just part of your right foot passes the line. 

After crossing this bridge, this bridge is the way to Manhattan, Times Square, the Rockefeller  Center, The Met (oh goodness, the Met), MoMa, and Chinatown. All the good stuff in the Big Apple.

While crossing the bridge, all I could think of was, 'Did Chuck Bass ever walk this bridge?' Probably not since Chuck Bass does not walk to cross a bridge, he gets driven in his limo. Whatever was at the opposite end of this bridge, will fascinate you.