Archive for February 2013

The Dark Knight Rises

In addition to my previous geek mania, I have spotted numerous Batman ads for Christpher Nolan's third installment, The Dark Knight Rises. This made me feel (somewhat) like I am in Gotham City although I am pretty sure Bruce Wayne would not advertise Bane and Catwoman.

At the time, I haven't seen the movie so being teased by these ads everywhere I look really really made me even more excited to see the movie. (I am reading my sentences while I type in a British accent for some reason but it's quite entertaining.)

Advertising really does work (only if bombarded) because as soon as I got back home, I went to see it twice (both in IMAX), with my rainbow splashed friend, Tanny, and the second time with my brother and his wife, and two other sisters. 

It's probably not smart if I confess that I cried when *SPOILER ALERT* Bruce "died". I cried mostly at the fact that Alfred was bawling his eyes out and he is going to be alone forever. If Crying Alfred was put beside a dying puppy, I'd be more heartbroken for Crying Alfred than the dying puppy. I don't know, it's just me.

Back to business, NYC ads are amazing and effective. I could go on and on about how it's effective but this blog is about my travel to New York not why ads in Times Square are so effective. 

Times Square

Night #1 in New York City (we were somewhere else in the state two days earlier):

Walking towards Times Square was very exciting! Especially as an Advertising student, can you imagine the thrills and enthusiasm I felt for the amazing Out-of-Home ads, the digital boards, superboards, everything! The craziest (in a good way) ads are in Times Square. They were very entertaining, kept my eyes busy, and dreamed for a second, hoping that one day, I'll see my own ads somewhere there.

The Amazing Spider-Man has just been released for over a month when I came down to NYC and obviously they are everywhere! Which I absolutely loved! I felt like a 5-year old boy who's in love with Spidey! My spider senses were tingling the entire time. Also, I was hoping that I'd run into Andrew Garfield (or any actors I love such as Joseph Gordon-Levitt!) 

Look at this amazing bus wrap of this Spiderman play happening! Check out their website to book tickets!

The first thing I said when I spotted a New York Police car was, "NYPD OPEN UP!" Basically, everything in New York humoured me, from street signs to city lights. And the police department got me jumping up and down as well, it was sort of embarrassing. 

 We were dropped off by our tour bus near Times Square because it wasn't part of the tour so we had to go home by our own. The New York Times (!!!) office was right in front of the bus terminal and I got excited (again)! At one point of my life (maybe grade 5), I wanted to be a journalist which explains my excitement. It would be pretty amazing if I worked/interned at The New York Times!

Hotel Empire

I should probably warn readers before I go on. Warning everyone, this blog post will mostly be about me fangirling and freaking out. If you ever get bored or get annoyed or if one slight eye roll, don't say I didn't warn ya.

Alright, so here it begins.

Hotel Empire.

THE Hotel Empire, where Chuck Bass of Gossip Girl lives. Or lived, since the whole show ended, I am in deep grief. (I also get attached to my tv shows and incorporate them in my life.)

I was in our tour bus, and the tour guide decided to pass by and have a little tour of Manhattan before getting dropped at Times Square. And in the corner of my not-so-small Asian eyes (oh wait, I'm not Asian. Filipinos get a separate box to check off. We were not in the "South East Asian" category), I got a glimpse of this! I grabbed my camera like a mad man and took a shot, not caring what the ISO levels are. I just needed proof that I saw it with my own eyes and that I wasn't hallucinating or lucid dreaming. 

I was freaking out the entire time, thinking maybe Chuck Bass/Ed Westwick was walking around right now and that I should get off the bus!

But I used my brain and stopped and calmed myself down. They were probably done shooting episodes. I was sad, but thought about paparazzis and how they have an amazing job. If advertising does not work out for me (it will, i know), I will become a paparazzi. 

That is all.

Tiffany & Co.

We're still in Wall Street, and while walking I spotted a Tiffany & Co. store (?) I don't remember but most likely, it's a store. I'm not a huge fan of Tiffany & Co. other than their cute packaging and the cute ads they run on newspapers. I honestly don't get girls' addiction to Tiffany. I mean it's jewellery, they're all the same. 

Actually, I get why girls are obsessed. It's all part of the branding scheme companies pull, and soon I'm going to be a part of it. 

Take my grocery shopping last Saturday (it was crazy with all the Chinese New Year shenanigans) with my mom and sister. 

So, we enter this asian supermarket and every corner of it is occupied by food sampling booths. We approached the hummus one because who doesn't love hummus, especially if it's chipotle flavoured? So we tried it with the tortilla chip and the sample guy told us their promotion. Poor guy, he did not know who he was dealing with. My mom can be a stickler with promotions, I now know where I get my skeptical side from. She asked him why they are doing a promotion and poor guy did not know why. He simply just stuttered and muttered things while I chuckle quietly to myself because I know why companies do these sampling things. And then my mom rambled on how at work she has to know these things because people asking is inevitable. 

Okay, what does this have to do with Tiffany & Co.? Well, nothing to be honest. It was just great looking up tall buildings in New York City. I sorta wish music was playing in the background while I walk around and snap a few pictures. I don't get out of the country that much, heck, I don't get out of my city that much.

Geeked Out

You live in a cave if you don't know what this is and which movie this place appeared in.

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The Amazing Spiderman

At the end of the Brooklyn Bridge was this vendor, selling metal frames of retro graphics. I am kind of obsessed - okay, I'm really obsessed/in love with Spiderman. So, when I saw that he had a Spiderman one, I almost broke down and cried right there. 

No, just kidding. All I wanted to do was take out my American dollar bills and purchase this amazing metal frame. I was already planning where to put this beaut up in my head. Thinking about putting things up on the wall makes me want to re-decorate my room and no, my picture-filled wall will not change.

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