The Dark Knight Rises

In addition to my previous geek mania, I have spotted numerous Batman ads for Christpher Nolan's third installment, The Dark Knight Rises. This made me feel (somewhat) like I am in Gotham City although I am pretty sure Bruce Wayne would not advertise Bane and Catwoman.

At the time, I haven't seen the movie so being teased by these ads everywhere I look really really made me even more excited to see the movie. (I am reading my sentences while I type in a British accent for some reason but it's quite entertaining.)

Advertising really does work (only if bombarded) because as soon as I got back home, I went to see it twice (both in IMAX), with my rainbow splashed friend, Tanny, and the second time with my brother and his wife, and two other sisters. 

It's probably not smart if I confess that I cried when *SPOILER ALERT* Bruce "died". I cried mostly at the fact that Alfred was bawling his eyes out and he is going to be alone forever. If Crying Alfred was put beside a dying puppy, I'd be more heartbroken for Crying Alfred than the dying puppy. I don't know, it's just me.

Back to business, NYC ads are amazing and effective. I could go on and on about how it's effective but this blog is about my travel to New York not why ads in Times Square are so effective.